
Getting HTML5 video to work with iOS Mobile Safari

I’ve been researching issues regarding serving HTML5 video content to iOS devices this past week. Here’s an outline the issues and some concise answers as to how iOS Mobile Safari 6 will handle HTML5 video. This post won’t touch on video encoding.

Mobile Safari’s QuickTime component does not handle HTTP requests the same as it does normally, say for a web page. Instead

Announcing: iOS Development on 1 Page

When you’re getting started with iOS development, it’s hard to figure out those first steps. What developer tools do you need? What are some good tutorials to start with? Where to begin delving into Apple’s thousands of pages of documentation?

That’s why I created iOS Development on 1 Page — a not-overwhelming guide for iOS newbies.

Is there any essential info about iOS development that should be added to iOS Development on 1 Page? Let me know!

Reusable Views in iOS

Say you want to create a UIView that you’re going to display in multiple places in your app.

Maybe you want to design a custom UITableViewCell or AQGridViewCell. Or maybe you want to create a view controller that can be displayed by several different view controllers in your app. Or maybe you want to create a custom UI widget that shows up multiple times in a view.

Does this mean you have to make the view programmatically? Is it time to break out the setFrame and the addSubview and the setTextColor and the addTarget:action:forControlEvents:?

Nope! You can still design your views in Interface Builder. Here’s how.