I wrote a few new patches for Quartz Composer.
MIDI Global Output CC :: This patch, when triggered, outputs a MIDI Custom Controller message on a specified MIDI Channel to all MIDI outputs.
MIDI Global Input CC :: This patch observes a specified MIDI Custom Controller on a specified MIDI Channel, and outputs the Custom Controller Value and a Value-changed trigger. Unlike the “MIDI Controllers” patch that comes with Quartz Composer, this patch doesn’t require the user to manually select the “Observed MIDI Sources” individually for every controller/computer combination - so you’re free to take your composition to a different machine and/or controller and jam without needing to hack the composition.
String With File :: This patch reads a file into a string.
String With URL :: This patch retrieves a URL into a string.
Document Info :: This patch returns some information about the zeroth Cocoa NSDocument.
Please see the latest version.
Get them here: http://softpixel.com/~smokris/widgets/quartzComposer/kinemePlugins/
Steve Mokris is a developer at Kosada, Inc.